Friday, June 14, 2013

Whipped Cream

Sheldon is a picky eater. He always has been. Penny, not so much. She'll eat any and everything. Even what she shouldn't. So, this morning Sheldon was being picky again. I didn't warm up their soft food before serving it to them, so he just looked at it and then at me and walked away. I put it up so Penny couldn't devour it in his absence. An hour later I set it back down only to see him refuse still. I didn't want it to get dried out and go bad, so I enticed him with a little whipped cream on top. See for yourself whether that little trick worked on him....

Notice he's actually standing up? He never does that for food! Ever!

And out come the crazy eyes!!

Sheldon: Stop messing around, Ma! Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!!!!

It disappeared pretty quickly after that. 

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Artrage Finger Painting

As a child I loved to finger paint. If you follow my other blog you know I still love all sorts of painting. That still includes finger painting and simple doodles. These days I can finger paint on my iPad in less than 2 minutes with zero mess or clean up!

It's fairly obvious that I drew it quickly, but since it's a doxie and this IS The Doxie Blog, I'm sharing. :)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad